Spring fever is everywhere! Spring has sprung indeed! The grass is growing, the flowers are blooming, and gardens are being planted. I think for most of the country this year has been pretty harsh as far as winter weather goes, and we all are really ready for a nice warm spring.
I have been noticing that there are more baby animals around and even more human babies being born right now. There seems to be a mini baby boom going on. I always attribute that to spring!
Spring to me is hope. It is about making it through the doldrums of winter and having hope. Hope for a warm breeze, hope for a garden that grows well, hope for a summer that brings fun and relaxation. Hope that the harshness of our lives moves onto something fresh and new.
Not only is spring weather filled with hope, but our attitudes and moods are as well. I have noticed that people always seem to be just a little more optimistic in the springtime; maybe they feel like if they can survive dreary winter they can survive anything. If nothing else, such shine breeds more smiles. I think many people felt this way especially this year. Spring is the hope that we are all looking for in our lives.
I had a very hard winter. Weather was not our issue here, but our lives definitely hit a “winter” season. Sickness, loss, and unexpected obstacles seemed to abound all around us.
I now have spring fever, I need hope, I need something new, and I need more than anything else to shake off the winter, sow some seeds and get ready for a bright harvest in the summer and fall.
Jen says
April 22, 2014 at 10:40 amYay for spring and new beginnings! I love that we can start new everyday. congrats on your future baby!
Amanda says
April 22, 2014 at 6:43 amI actually know what you’re talking about. Springs just makes everything seem brighter, and happier.
Tina B says
April 22, 2014 at 4:55 amSpring to me means a new start. I love to clean my house to get rid of all the junk we don’t use and start Spring with a nice clean organized home.
Alicia Owen says
April 22, 2014 at 1:52 amTotally agree with everything you said! We still have quite a bit of sun during winter where we live now, but I still get the “blahs” every year, it seems like. It starts around Christmas and lasts until March-ish. I definitely feel better already being able to get out of the house more! 🙂