I don’t know about you but, I am pretty tired of buying produce in my grocery store. I know that a lot of it is not from our area, and quite often it is not even from our state. What is from our area in our state is usually not organic and when you do find organic the prices seem to be outrageous. I was looking for a solution. I have two babies that I make baby food for and I think it is very important that they eat organic fruits and vegetables at an early age, they have tiny bodies and tiny tummies, what they do get in their mouth should be the best I can find and afford.
Enter Farm Fresh to You, they are a Southern California Organic fruit and vegetable delivery service. I ordered a big box of mixed fruits and vegetables and they delivered it bright and early on Tuesday morning. Farm Fresh To You had delivered to my house before I had even gotten up for the day. I had a huge assortment of organic produce delivered right to my door step. Apples, oranges, pears, avocado, limes, squash, cabbage, purple fingerlings potatoes, leeks, and the list goes on and on.
I boiled the potatoes and cabbage for dinner that night and most of the fruits had been snacked on throughout the day and I included the fresh onion delivered into my roast I had in the crock pot. I simply boiled the vegetables because I wanted to taste the difference in them.
Have you ever smelled cabbage cooking? We love cooked cabbage, but when we cook it the whole house smells, when we did this farm fresh to you cabbage, there was hardly a smell and the resulting veg for a side was so sweet and mild tasting, I probably could have eaten the whole thing myself. The fingerlings potatoes were so fresh tasting and had a smooth inner with such a succulent mouth feel. We loved all of them. The onions were so fresh they hardly made me cry.
I was one who did not believe that the flavors of vegetables were different just because they were organic, but I am here to tell you that my mind is changed, these vegetables and fruits were delectable, the flavors just so very different from the ones we get at our local market. It will be hard going back to regular store-bought after this, I will have to continue with this delivery service now that we are all so spoiled.
At Farm Fresh To You, once you pick your box you have up until two days before delivery to change what you want in the box, you can add things you want and take out things you don’t. The boxes come in various sizes from $26.00 to $58.00 a box depending on the size of your family. You will not be sorry, you will love these vegetables and fruits from them.
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