Every parent needs to have certain things around the house when they bring a new baby home. Diapers, crib, clothes, baby wash, baby lotion, and blankets, but what many people forget is that sometimes these little people have tummy aches, fevers and pain and just general gripes and not feeling well. Mommy Bliss has the answers you are looking for when it comes to these things.
Mommy Bliss sent us some gripe water so that we could try it out and see what we thought of it when David was born, and over the past few months we have actually had quite a few times when we needed to use it. For us, grip water was not the magic bullet, he has been found to have multiple food allergies and intolerance as well as severe reflux, that he was actually hospitalized for, but it did come in very handy lately.
As we have gotten a better handle on things with his diet, we still have times when we trial a food and he is not necessarily allergic to it, but his little tummy is not happy about it either. We deal with this a few times a month and we have tried the Mommy Bliss Gripe Water, and it really does seem to settle his stomach down and help with some of the pain and discomfort that he has.
Even in a baby as complex as ours we found the Mommy Bliss Gripe water to be very helpful for when he just did not feel well, when he had some trapped gas or was starting to teeth. We even used it when he had his first immunizations to help settle him in for the night.
If you have a baby that has the run of the mill stomach ailments this product works very well for that, and you may find it one of the things that you love having around when you need it.
Some of the best things about Mommy Bliss Gripe Water is that it is an all-natural herbal supplement that is a safe and effective to ease stomach discomfort often associated with colic, gas and hiccups. It is a no brainer that you are going to want this waiting at home when you bring home your little one! You can find this on their website as well as many local retailers.
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