Recently I was sent a variety of products from a company called Xlear (pronounced Clear) and all of their products have Xylitol in them. I was not even sure what that was and what I found was that pure xylitol is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar. It’s not an artificial sweetener, but an all-natural sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables and produced in small amounts by the human body. Xylitol has been researched for over 40 years, resulting in thousands of studies confirming its effectiveness and safety.
Xlear has gums, mints, sinus care products, as well as toothpastes, dental rinses, toothbrushes, mouth spray and flosses. Many studies have found that xylitol helps solve dental health problems. Its properties prevent bacteria from flourishing in the mouth, inhibiting tooth decay and cavity growth. Who would have ever guessed that something that is used as a sweetener has all of these benefits.
What I was surprised about with this product was the sinus care products. I had no idea that xylitol could do so much good for the sinuses. They have found that when you have germs in your sinuses they attach to the mucous membranes and all of the tissues in your nose. Which of course can lead to infection and other issues. The xylitol used in a spray makes it much harder for those germs to hold on, and actually washes them out. It has been known that saline rinses help with sinus issues and now they are finding if you add Xylitol to that spray you will get even more benefits without having to use prescription nasal sprays or allergy medicines.
What I like the most about this all natural approach is that is is safe for children and can help with allergies and colds, and as many of you know we are advised to not use OTC cold and allergy medicines in children under 6 this is fabulous news. Something to make kids feel better and get better faster that is safe and natural is always a great product in my book.
Xylitol is in gums, mints, toothpastes and mouthwash, because they have found that these products help build stronger tooth enamel and helps reduce the amount of cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth, less bacteria means less cavities.
All of these products taste great and since using the Xlear dental products we have had no issues getting the kids to brush.
I found that each of the product they sent us were great, they tasted good, and they seem to help me with my sinus issues. I was actually very glad to learn all about these products and about Xylitol. I am sure that the Xlear products now have a permanent place in our home.
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