I was not too excited to have thinning hair in my 40’s but that is my reality. I was lucky to be able to review this ew shampoo called Regenepure.
The product has a lot of great natural ingredients like saw palmetto extract, vitamin B6 and zinc oxide. Niacin, caffeine and linoleic acid, which stimulate the scalp and then contains emu and jojoba oils keep the skin on your scalp from drying out and rejuvenated. The product did help my dry hair look much better and it has a great scent as well. I have tried a few products for thinning hair that sell pretty bad, and it’s just not very attractive to have your head smelling yuck. The Renepure has a minty like smell that is fresh feeling.
This is a made in the US product which I always appreciate and it is safe for daily use, however I have only been using it every other day as I don’s shampoo daily.
One of things that I really liked was that my scalp itching and burning stopped completely while using this and that was such a great bonus. It made my hair feel and look fuller and much more manageable. I did follow it up with a detangling conditioner so I was not pulling even more hair out fighting tangles.
I also appreciated that it was a non sulfate, paraben free shampoo, when you are losing hair already the last thing you want on it is harsh ingredients. I know for me it seems to have slowed things down a bit for my hair loss and it cleans my scalp so well, I almost think it would be great as a clarifying shampoo as well.
I say give Regenepure a try to see what you think, it will help dandruff, and scalp itching as well as thinning of hair.
sallygg says
August 24, 2015 at 12:37 pmI am gonna have to try this product out, sounds like what I need! 🙂 I like that it smells good too.