5/21 is National #KidstoParks Day! Get out with your family and enjoy a park. http://www.kidstoparks.org via @NatParkTrust #buddybison
Have you ever watched a kid when the first show up at a park? I love to watch them wonder what all the space is for. It is pretty amazing as most kids live in areas where there are no open spaces, and parks are so important to kids in this situation as they need wide open spaces to roam and play and explore.
National Park Trust is having another Kids to Park day, and you can pledge to take a kid to the park simply by visiting the National Park Trust. Maybe you are thinking well I don’t have kids or I only have a baby that is too young to go to the park, find a kid! A cousin, a niece or nephew, your friends kids, or even your neighbors! Make the effort to get those gets out side and into a park! You just might surprise yourself with how much fun you have!
I know that there are other parents out there that are thinking as much as they would love to do this they are just too busy or tired to pledge to the Kids to Parks Day. Are you really that tired, or that busy? Don’t you remember loving to go to the park when you were a kid? I know I did! Here is my favorite tip for you, your kid will sleep better and YOU will feel better and maybe even a little less tired by taking the day and just spending some time in a park.
I took my kids and I take my grandkids now just for the activity to get them to play off some of their energy. It often feels like kids are just full batteries all day and all evening and when it is bed time they still have a hard time winding down to sleep. The ticket is going to the park, they will use all of that energy and love to go to sleep at night. (ok maybe not love it)
Kids need parks, we need parks, and this nation needs more parks, the outdoors is an important part of our lives, and our environment. Pledge to play outdoors on National Park Trust Kids to Parks day, and then make it a habit. Go once a week, get some fresh air and enjoy being a more outdoor family!
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