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All three of these new books really speak to me. My son is having a new baby very shortly, we have an adopted daughter, and we have a multi-generational household. so our family looks different then most do.
The kids really were able to connect with the books, as they were about having a buddy that they had to help explain things to as well. I really liked that!
There are three books in the Buddy Boodles Series and they were all so delightful to read, short but very detailed stories about having a new baby, being adopted or having a different kind of family.
We Are Having A Baby, goes through the start of the pregnancy and talks about the new baby coming, the changing ways moms will look, even the limitations on what they can do with the child. It also discusses in detail about mom having to go to the hospital to have the baby and visits at the hospital. I loved that it talked about where the new baby will sleep and what they can do to help. Very thorough book that discussed a lot of topics other books miss.
Being Adopted is super duper special, is a great book to explain the adoption process, how it happens and why. I love that it explained that mommy’s are all different and that you grew in another mommy’s tummy but we are your family. They explain that birth mommy’s love the baby that comes out of their tummy but, they can’t take care of them. They leave it open ended in the book for the parents to explain the circumstances for them. They are very clear in the story that forever family’s wanted the adopted child very much and that they will be with them forever! Adopted kids really need to hear this message as often as possible.
What does a family look like?, wow this book is timely, there is so much changing and there are so many different kinds of families that if kids belong to one that is traditionally shown on TV or in other books it can make them feel so left out. We all know that it is not a great feeling to be left out. The book covered same sex parents, grandparents as parents, single mom and single dad parents, even different racial parents and they made it all so matter of fact that nobody would or should question them. I did not even mention all of the kinds of families listed and talked about in this book, I was impressed that they did have so many combinations. It was simply a great childrens book that discussed different family dynamics without making them feel any different than traditional ones. Great book for so many kids today living in different scenarios.
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