Colic is not a word that most parents want to hear. I had a baby that had colic many years ago and I have to tell you it is not a great time! My husband and I would take turns walking the house with him and even that did not stop him from crying at times.
Parents who have a colic baby, want to help their baby feel better and stop crying, thankfully, Gerber Soothe is a formula and a new Soothe Colic Drops that have L. reuteri, a probiotic that has been clinically shown to reduce crying time by up to 50 percent in colicky babies in as little as one week. This helps them battle the things that make them feel so lousy and cry.
This baby boy had colic bad!
When we were going through our episodes we had nothing but our arms and a warm bottle filled with water. I am so excited to partner with Gerber Soothe to bring this information to you!
When you have a new baby it is such a exciting and happy time, and it is stressful as well, when you add in colic it adds a whole new level of stress that makes it hard to enjoy that wonderful happiness.
Gerber’s new Soothe Formula can mean More Smiling for All, Less Crying for Babies
If your baby is doing less crying that means that they will be having more time for smiling and giggles. It is hard to learn what it takes for your baby to feel better, and for the up to 30 percent of babies with colic Gerber Soothe may be the answer they are looking for.
Happy and sound asleep, perfect!
For breastfed babies suffering with colic the Gerber Soothe Drops could be a great solution to those colic symptoms. If your baby is on formula, it could be worth it to try the Gerber Soothe Formula and see if it is the answer to your making more smiles and less crying.
If you have any questions about feeding your baby Gerber has different experts available (Registered Dietitians, Certified Lactation Consultant and Certified Baby Sleep Consultant) to answer any questions. Gerber(dot)com(forward slash)experts or at 1-800-203-4565.
We all want this picture of our new babies, sleepy and satisfied
Do you have a baby with colic? Did one of your older children start out with colic? I know if you have dealt with or dealing with colic now you are looking for solutions. If you have a baby with fussiness and crying, it is time to let Gerber Soothe help make your baby feel better!
“I received a free sample of Gerber® Good Start® Soothe infant formula or Gerber® Soothe probiotic colic drops from Gerber®. My thoughts and opinions are my own.”
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