You may have seen the Binxy Baby around and not known what it was. I am here to tell you this is a must have for everyone that shops with a baby!
Delilah absolutely loves to go shopping in hers, and we are able to do things so much easier with her in it!
This is a BinxyBaby!
As you can see in the picture this allows you to have your baby safe and comfortable in your shopping cart while you do what you came to the store for. We used to have a cart for the baby’s car seat, and then a cart for whatever we were buying and it was real pain. When that turned out to be too much we brought the stroller and then we still had two things to push, so Destini at 5 became responsible for either the baby or the merchandise. I know you with 5-year-olds know what a disaster this can be.
The BinxyBaby easily is tucked into the diaper bag, you unroll it attach it to the cart, put the baby in and strap her in! As you can see there is still plenty of room for groceries and we only have one cart to push. We know she is safe and comfortable and we can keep track of the girls so much easier.
Recently I have seen a few stories about babies that are put inside their car seats put into the seat part of a cart, that have fallen out and barely caught by other people. I do not know why it became a habit for everyone to put baby car seats in carts like that, but it is not safe at all and even the carts have messages telling you not to do it. My cousin actual broke her arm in a fall like that.
You can see how well this is made and how safe it is!
There is no reason to compromise safety for the convenience of shopping, the Binxy Baby is the answer to this. My daughter in law is very petite and she is unable to babywear for any amount of time and when I am shopping for groceries I find it difficult to be able to get to all that I need while wearing Delilah in a carrier. We simply hook it on the cart strap her in and away we go.
I simply cannot say enough about how wonderful the Binxy Baby is, everyone asks us about it while we are out and Delilah just loves lounging back and taking a ride through the store. Check out their website they have different prints and colors, and you can order directly from Binxy Baby, you then know you are getting the original! If you know someone having a baby, this is the perfect gift. Every mom needs this to shop with baby! Follow Binxy Baby on their social media channels and keep a watch for their new prints and specials!
Amber Ludwig says
March 22, 2017 at 11:43 amOh I just adore this!! What a fun way to shop!! Yay for keeping ALL the cart space and keeping baby happy at the same time!!
Linda Manns Linneman says
March 15, 2017 at 9:03 amI love this. This is something every mommy could use. Thank you so much for sharing