When summer is here there is also so many things that we deal with that we don’t deal with at other times of the year. From stings and bites to our feet being visible to everyone there is always something happening.
Zim’s has so many great products, that work better than taking pills, and are faster too.
I was excited to receive a box of goodies from Zim’s that pretty much will have my family covered for all that is to come this season.
Zim’s Advanced Hydrocortisone Spray is one of my favorite products, this can be used for anything that is itching and bugging you. From itching associated with minor skin irritations, and rashes due to poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, insect bites, detergents, jewelry, cosmetics, soaps, seborrheic, and all the way to simple dermatitis, this works awesome! I love that it is a spray and not a cream so you can cover the area without further irritating your skin.
Zim’s Max Aloe Acemannan Gel is great for cuts, burns, abrasions and scrapes, this is that all around gel that you will want to put on everything before a bandage. It makes them feel better and is so soothing!
Zim’s Max-Freeze for Feet is so great for sore feet and ankle, no matter what it is caused from, uncomfortable shoes, standing too long, or even just from being over heated. The scent vanishes quickly and will even work on sore backs and legs. I love the feel of this spray when I have been on my feet all day!
Zim’s Crack Creme for your feet is the one product I think everyone expects from Zims! This stuff is amazing for those cracks that we all have on our heels from being barefoot too much in the summer! Putting it on every night before bed, will keep the cracks from forming and will easily heal the ones you do have quickly! I always have this in my house, and I use it all the time.
Zim’s also has a creamy daytime Crack Creme that I love. It is lighter, but just as potent and keeps my feet from being dry during the day. It has a very smooth and light feel to it, and works great with the nighttime crack crème.
The one product that I use the most is the Zims Freeze Gel roll on. I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, there are some days that I am so sore when I wake up I need to apply this to get moving. I love how this feels and how quickly this works. It is amazing to me. It has a nice scent from the tea tree oil, however it does not linger. It works, it feels great going on and lasts most of the day.
Zim’s has you covered this summer, they have all of your bumps, bruises, and soreness taken care of this summer, check out their website and social media channels to continue to learn about their products.
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