I can be a very busy person and sometimes I admit that my little ones watch a little too much TV, or as they call it now, they have too much screen time.
I however was asked by MillCreek Entertainment to review some great kids DVD’s and I loved one in particular and so did Destini. At almost 3 she is just getting to where she will watch something and actually follow the directions or answer the questions answered on the screen.
This brings me to this great video they sent me, it is called Bo on the Go, it is a girl and her dragon/pet friend who have all kinds of adventures, but she (Bo) needs energy to do them and she gets the energy from the viewers exercising and moving around. When her “energy bracelet” gets low and starts to blink red, she asks everyone to move around in their “BO ZONE” to give her more.
This video is almost like a little exercise video for kids. I just love that! They are encouraged to make a space to do the moves in, and then they are shown what to do.
It plays to the toddler/preschool natural desire to help others by asking them to move around to give Bo energy she needs to complete her adventures. Brilliant!
Destini probably gets more exercise than most as she does everything super speed. The really neat thing, is I am moving too! She always wants me to watch it with her, which of course means that I have to do all the moves too.
If you are looking for something for your kids to enjoy off the beaten path, or you really just want to find a way to get your kids moving more, this is an awesome video for your family.
I will warn you though, don’t watch this in the car, there is no BO ZONE there and kids, do not understand that. (we may or may not have had an unbuckle incident).
Overall I agree that kids need less screen time, but the reality is sometimes adults just need a minute without them moving through the house like a tornado. I love that this video channels their energy and entertains at the same time!
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