When you are in an emergency situation, you need your phone. You need to call for help, maybe the police or maybe road side assistance, it does not really matter who you need to call, the reality is, you need your phone and you need it to have battery!
I just reviewed the Best Charger Stick. These ChargerSticks, are very reliable and are the ultimate iphone 5 portable charger. It weighs less than 3 ounces and easily slips into your pocket, into a diaper bag, or in your purse. You could even keep it in the glove box of your car. It will power up multiple devices on one charge.
The power behind ChargerSticks lies in the 2600mAh Samsung Lithium Ion rechargeable battery which can be charged from a USB wall charger or your computer for fast, multiple power-ups while on the run. It can completely charge your phone in less than 2 hours. I know sometimes my wall charger cannot even do that.
I was so impressed with this Charger Stick, you simply use your regular cord for charging and set it up and you are off. You can use the phone while it is charging and you also can keep the charger stick in the great bag they send with it and charge your phone. I did find the charger did get hot while using it and when I left it in the bag it was much easier to disconnect it.
I think this is something everyone should carry. I think they should be in our earthquake kits, and our emergency kits that we keep at home and in our cars. When we had all of this cold snowy weather quite a few people lost power and if their phones were not charged prior to the power going out they were alone and without contact of anyone.
I live in Southern California and the reality of a natural disaster hitting us that takes out our power is pretty high, if we have a major earthquake it will paralyze our electrical grid. If my kids were in school, I would include the Charger Sticks in their back packs and I would make sure my daughter had it in her purse. I have bought a few more and put one in my husbands briefcase so he is never without his power.
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