Do you have a child that loves animals? I do. She would rather see animals, watch animal shows and play with her stuffed animals, than almost any other activity. If it’s about any kind of animals then she is all in. I was excited about reviewing this subscription box from Animal Trackers!
Animal Trackers Club is a monthly subscription program specifically designed for your Pre-reader/Beginning Reader. Each month your child will “track” a new animal through age-appropriate instructional materials designed to encourage hands-on, creative learning.
Z is for Zebra! This month we received the zebra chapter box. It has everything from a craft to do with all of the supplies included, it has a great metal lunchbox, a zebra figurine, games, information even a zebra mask. Anything you want to teach your preschooler about zebras, is in this kit. The information that was enclosed was very comprehensive and easy to understand for me, so that I could get the information across to her. One of the things that impressed me the most was the ability for this to keep her attention. Animal Trackers really covers it all.
When you choose the Animal Trackers Club, Bode Bear first takes your child on an African Safari to track and learn about a variety of amazing animals. The adventure begins with a safari lunchbox that becomes a play station for the monthly animal magnets. The lunchbox can also act as storage for many of the monthly animal sets including: the realistic animal play figures, the animal information cards, the foam dress-up animal masks, and the “Safari Animal Tracks” ringed collection. In addition, your child’s adventure will also contain a learning activity and an art project created to develop skills needed to become a proficient student and reader
There are 4 plans available for purchase.
Monthly Plan $11.95 +3 shipping
3 Month Plan $36.00 +$3.00/month Shipping
6 Month Plan $70.00 +$3.00/month Shipping
12 Month Plan $135.00 +$3.00/month Shipping
With everything incorporated in this program it is quite a bargain. Your child and grandchild will enjoy getting mail every month as well as going through all of the material with you. This is one of the best subscription boxes that I have seen to bring you together with your child on an activity, the child gets the thrill of monthly mail, the wonderful chance to spend lots of quality time together and just for a bonus you get to teach your child all about animals. It’s a no lose situation.
Check out Animal Trackers on their website as well as follows them on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.
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