Do you love essential oils? I do, I love them for myself and I love them for my kids too. When it comes to my little ones, as much as I don’t want them to suffer from using some traditional medicines, essential oils made me nervous.
I know that there are many essential oils that are safe for kids, but when you are a novice in that area it is hard to know what is right for them to use. I was doing a lot of research on essential oils in kids and their safety when I came across
They have just about every kind of essential oil you could want, along with carrier oils, diffusers, roll ons, and the thing I loved the most, they have a line of synergy mixes called Kid Safe. Just what I was looking for!
Plant Therapy believes in the power of essential oils, and they themselves use them and know they work. They really want them in as many households as possible. They founded their company with two goals, first they wanted the highest quality and they wanted the oils at a price affordable for everyone. They started about 6 years ago with a line of natural body care called Posergy. They also sold a small amount of essential oils. It was not long after they started that they started to do much more research into essential oils and found they were overpriced or not high quality. Three years later Plant Therapy was born and providing oils that are 100 percent pure and undiluted, and the highest quality.
One of the things that sold me on this company was that they knew it was important to educate as well as supply essential oils, they needed to help people find the best and safest way to use them. They have two certified aromatherapists on staff, they want you to be successful with essential oils and to feel confident you are getting the best from them.
They kindly sent me two Kid Safe Synergies one is called Nighty Night and one is called Sniffle Stopper, and I have to tell you I was skeptical that these would work as well as the adult synergies that I had used. I knew the oils used were different and I was concerned. I have to tell you I was pleasantly surprised at how wonderful these worked. I used them both for all of us and all of us had great results. The Nighty Night is Specifically formulated for children ages 2-10. This synergy contains 100% pure, undiluted essential oils of Lavender, Marjoram, Mandarin, Cedarwood Atlas, Patchouli, Clary Sage, Chamomile Roman and Tansy (Blue). Perfect for winding down those rowdy kids. You can diffuse them, use them in a bath or dilute and use as a chest or back of the neck rub, all I know is that it worked! We all slept better than we had in a long time and it was a much shorter fight with the three year old around here.
The Sniffle Stopper is important to us as we often have congestion, sometimes for a day from allergies and sometimes for a few days from a bad cold. This really helped, I used it personally to help with chronic sinusitis and it worked well to clear the congestion I had. You can dilute in a carrier oil and use on the chest or under the nose or diffuse a few drops to help. Specifically formulated for children ages 2-10. This synergy contains 100% pure, undiluted essential oils of Fir Needle, Rosalina, Spruce, Cypress, Spearmint andCedarwood Virginian.
Plant Therapy has 20 different synergies in the Kids Safe line alone, not to mention the 43 available in the adult section in addition to their individual oils. I am impressed, I love the synergies, I love that they did the research to what is safe and they are there to answer my questions. You can see all that they have here at their website and you can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
feeroberts64 says
June 26, 2015 at 2:49 pmI sure could have used these a couple nights ago. My grandson had the sniffles and had a hard time getting to sleep.
Linda Manns Linneman says
June 23, 2015 at 5:39 pmI have never heard of this line before. I would love to try this for my grandchildren. Thank you so much for sharing