I cannot begin to tell you how many times I want to get down on the floor and play with the kids. I have had knee surgery and well I am not as young as I once was, so we usually end up playing up on the bed, well I have to tell you playing games and building with blocks is not so easy on a bed.
I was so happy to have seen this new playmat by Prince Lionheart, it is just amazing! The Awesome playMAT is one of the best things I have seen come through the door this year, I can sit and play, and build things and when David falls he has a safe place to fall, no more bumped heads.
We have like many people put all laminate flooring in our house so it is not soft when they fall and stumble, this MAT makes that just go away, it is so bright, colorful and soft that it is the perfect playMAT for any space.
Prince Lionheart actually have won the Tillywig TOY Awards – TOP FUN AWARD for the Awesome playMAT, and I am 100 percent in agreement with them. I love this mat!
It can easily be rolled up and has a handle so you can take it to your friends, roll it out at grandmas and she can get in on the fun too, one side is a fantastic zoo scene with so many animals and people and even the zoo entrance, the first time we played on it we had more fun pointing out all of the animals and listening to the kids say all the animals names. The other side is a roadside city drawing, where you can drive trucks and cars and even pretend to be going someplace with your dolls cars and RV’s. This playMAT was well thought out, it is comfortable for parents and kids, and even if you had no toys to play on it the mat has lots to do on it.
This Awesome playMAT would make a perfect gift for a first birthday and beyond or for the holidays, you will want this mat in your house!
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