Is your pet more aggressive or more lethargic than usual? Does it spend most of its time hiding or pacing around the house? Well, your beloved companion is probably suffering from a form of anxiety, which induces symptoms that range from destructive behavior to complete passiveness.
After determining the cause for its anxious behavior, your job is to provide the most efficient treatment for this disorder. Instead of using a medication, most pet owners have started administering CBD oil to their companions, owing to its numerous health benefits. It’s doubtlessly the most efficient and completely harmless remedy for animals.
This guide includes everything there is to know about pets with anxiety and the role of CBD oil in its treatment.
Common causes
Pets are incredibly susceptible to anxiety, which can be triggered by a variety of causes. For instance, separation anxiety is undoubtedly the most common form of anxious behavior in animals that occurs every time the owner leaves the house. Your companion is likely to feel lonely, fearing that you’d never come home, thus manifesting its apprehension with surprising destructiveness.
Former shelter anxiety is typical for pets that have lived in a shelter for a certain time period until they were adopted by their current owners. Most canines and felines associate their former shelter with abandonment, thus fearing to be abandoned once again. Consequently, their anxious behavior gradually transforms into separation anxiety that lasts until they finally feel safe in their owners’ homes. The following link,, will teach you about the treatment of separation anxiety.
Fear-related anxious behavior is rather common in canines and felines, triggered by people, objects, and noises that aren’t part of their everyday environment and routine. Therefore, your companion might become anxious when being visited by a stranger, during a car ride to the vet’s office or when listening to the sound of a thunderstorm.
Lastly, your companion’s anxious behavior might be induced by old age or a certain illness. In the former case, senior pets tend to become anxious due to developing the syndrome of cognitive dysfunction. In the latter case, anything from weight gain to seizures can be the cause for anxiety, which happens every time your furry friend experiences pain or other symptoms.
Common symptoms
Anxiety in pets isn’t difficult to recognize, considering the variety of occasional and repetitive symptoms. The most common symptom in both canines and felines is aggression, which can be direct or indirect. The former type is common in pets that become aggressive towards their owners, while the latter is provoked by outdoor stimuli.
Moreover, urinating around the house is a typical symptom of separation anxiety, being practiced by both canines and felines. Dogs refuse to urinate outside, while cats are reluctant to use their litter box. Also, they’re likely to express their distress by excessive barking and meowing in the hope of being understood.
Destructive behavior is another common symptom, which is more typical for canines. While canines will start destroying your furniture as soon as you leave the house, felines tend to hide or follow you around.
The role of CBD oil
Upon noticing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you’re supposed to take your pet to the veterinarian in order to diagnose its anxiety type. Although most veterinarians recommend training techniques and medications in the treatment of this condition, you could try a completely natural remedy, known as CBD oil.
The main benefits of CBD oil are induced by its interaction with the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating your pet’s mood and overall well-being. Owing to its effect on the serotonin brain receptors, CBD boosts serotonin production, thus promoting a feeling of happiness and relaxation. Your companion will experience much less stress and fear that might eventually lead to depression.
In animals with illness-induced anxiety, CBD can be helpful by alleviating the symptoms of certain illnesses, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and glaucoma. You only need to determine the right dosage for the condition. Visit this web link to check out the wide range of uses of CBD oil in animals.
CBD oil is among the best treatments for anxious pets.
Give it a try!
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