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If you are like most people, you likely know all about lentils. Your parents probably had to force you to
eat them as a youngster, but you are more than familiar with them. Although they are healthy and more
than economical, this is just one of the many reasons that a lot of people refuse to eat them today. They
simply had bad experiences with them growing up. Another reason that a lot of people shy away from
lentils is that they only know them in two dishes. This would be the soup and the loaf. While this is the
two most popular forms for the food, it doesn’t have to be the only way that they can be utilized.
A Quick Word On Lentils
Although beans might be somewhat new to you, at least eating them, that doesn’t mean that they have
been around for a long time. In fact, they can be dated back about 13,000 years. While this is
impressive alone, what’s even more impressive is that they come available in a wide range of types.
And, each type will offer a distinctive flavor, texture, and color. You’ll find everything from the green
lentil to the gold lentil, brown, black, red, orange, and yellow. When all said and done, the main reasons
that you’ll want to fall in love with lentil is because they’re a rich source of protein, fiber, iron, and
folate. Couple this with the fact that they are easily digestible and one of the most affordable foods
available today, and it’ll be hard not to want to add them to your menu.
Lentil Salads
The green and red lentils are especially good in salads because they are incredible at holding their
shape. They can be used as an additive in any salad or they can simply be the main ingredient. One of
the best salads to include lentils with is the vegetable salad. It’s actually a warm salad, as opposed to
the traditional cold salad, so this alone puts a new spin on an old dish.
Take a 1 and ½ of red or green lentils, cook them until they are tender, but while they are cooking, you
can chop red onion and roast red peppers. When everything is cooked, mix the ingredients together
with, put spinach on top, add a dash or two of vinaigrette or red win dressing, and you’ll have a whole
new spin on a traditional salad. It can be enjoyed hot or cold, but hot will be an entirely new experience
for most. For tons of more recipes likes this, you can visit, corriecooks.com
Lentil Dips And Spreads
Got a party coming up? Maybe a small get together? Why not take advantage of lentil spread or dip.
Most people already like hummus and you likely know that you can easily and quickly substitute beans
for the chickpea. Heck, who says that you have to have to substitute? Why not go for an exotic lentil
hummus and get the best of both worlds? That’s exactly what you be able to do when you take
advantage of the lentil hummus recipe.
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