A lot of people are unaware of the fact that water can be very damaging to mattresses. This is a major cause of bedwetting and mattress allergies. Protecting the mattress from water damage is very important. Here are some tips on how you should go about it.
The most important thing to do is to stop leakage in the first place. This means that you should stop leaking as soon as you notice the water starting to leak. Of course, the sooner you fix the problem, the better. To do this, you must invest in a good quality waterproof mattress cover.
Some people are not aware that dust mites also exist in mattresses. This means that you have a double duty on your shoulders. The best way to combat this is by getting a mattress topper that covers up the mattress. By doing this, not only will you protect the mattress but also keep allergens at bay.
Water-Absorbent Sock – It is also very important to have a water-absorbent sock or insert that can be used right on the mattress. This will help absorb any leaks. It will also help you save time because you do not have to go searching for a wet sponge or anything else.
Rotating the Mattress – Some people overlook the need to rotate their mattresses. Rotating the mattress regularly will increase its life expectancy and prevent it from drying out. This will also allow the air to circulate and will thus prevent mold from forming on the mattress. The moisture in the air is what causes mold to form on the mattress. Rotating might be a challenging task if you are having a box spring frame, as box spring is inevitable to rotate. So by rotating it regularly, you will be ensuring that mold is kept at bay.
In case of a mattress being flooded, you must act fast. All you have to do is remove the contents of the bed immediately and dry off the mattress with fans. Do not place the mattress anywhere near open windows and doors as this will lead to the spread of the water damage further. If you do not have fans to dry off the mattress immediately, then you should call in professionals to carry out the task for you.
Protecting the Mattress from Water Damage is not all that difficult. There are simple things that you can do which will help you reduce the damage caused by mattress wetting. It is always better to invest in a good quality mattress and avoid settling for the fewer quality ones simply because they are cheaper. By doing so you will be ensuring your health and also the safety of the people living in your house.
As far as possible, use waterproof mattress covers if you do not want puddles of water forming on the mattress. This way, you can be sure that no amount of moisture is going to seep into the mattress. The best way to protect your mattress from water damage is to clean it thoroughly every few months. This ensures that your mattress remains safe and does not become damp due to the accumulation of dirt and dust.
Remove Items Containing Water/Moisture – There are some very effective methods of how to protect mattresses from water damage. First off, remove any items from the mattress that has excessive water or moisture on them. Wearing cotton clothes instead of cotton sleepwear or sleeping sacks is one option. Avoid using plastic bags and boxes as these will trap moisture in them and thus making it difficult for you to dry them off. Use fans instead of air conditioners if your home is air-conditioned.
Sealing the Seams of the Mattress – On top of this, another method to protect the mattress from water damage is by sealing the seams of the mattress. If your mattress has been stored for a long time without being used, then it is quite likely that some of the seams may have been open. When you are putting your mattress back into storage, make sure that the cover is sealed tightly. This will help prevent the absorption of excess moisture that can damage your mattress over some time.
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